How is VR being Utilized in Rugby?
Virtual Reality technology is one of the most interesting and developing technologies that we have today. VR is entering all spheres of life every so slowly. A lot of people are coming up with imaginative ways of incorporating it and making good use of it. Most people view VR as a tool for entertainment, but it has so much potential that a lot of people are not completely aware of it.
Tapping into its potential in recent times is Rugby.

A lot of sports managers and analysts have started using VR. Although the technology and its usage are still young there are a plethora of ways one can use it. But just how remains to be seen.
Rugby is the most recent sport that has adopted VR. But it has enormous potential to grow even further and become even more beneficial.
Let’s see just how…
VR Analytics
For now, many scouts and analysts have found that VR can be truly useful for match preparation. By gathering data on their opponents and their previous games, they have an important source of information that will prove to be useful in the future.

By expanding the data inputted one can determine a lot of things on their opponents that would be impossible with the naked eye. In the past, players and trainers have relied on watching videos and studying hours of tapes in order to prepare for the match. Today, these sessions may be substituted by crunching vast amounts of data.
Would you give an advantage to a team that uses VR for match preparation?
VR and Training Sessions
VR technology is still developing but the aim is to start using it deeper for match preparation. After all the data that has been gathered has been analyzed, a virtual reality surrounded can be created that simulates the situations that the opposing them is doing.

This would be more than helpful in preparing plays for specific games. In fact, it could be used for all games in the future.
The Scottish national Rugby team has already started making use of it. The idea is to input the date and use a VR headset for practice-specific situations and drills. That way players can also prepare for certain offensive situations and not just focus on defense.
Besides improving training sessions, it will also make them safer. Rugby is a rugged sport and if there is a way of removing injuries before games, anyone would take it.
VR and Rugby Fans
VR innovations are not only going to benefit the players but the fans as well. There are already projects in motion that are going to offer fans a full VR-rugby-experience from their couch.
They can visit studious, see how drills are executed live and attend a game and much more. The data for this project has been collected from the recent Six Nations Championships in order to bring the fans the best experience from the biggest most possible stage